Friday 31 January 2014

Thursday 23 January 2014

Exam techniques

The clip will be played 4 times in the exam and there is 4 areas you have to comment so for each time the clip is played make notes on each. Divide the page of notes into 4 and write notes on each of the 4 technical area.

The four technical areas are:
Camera angles

Comment on the sound that goes with the clip
non-diegetic and diegetic sound
- non-diegetic sound is when the sound you hear you can't see when it's coming from e.g music over the top of he clip
- diegetic sound is when you can see where the sound is coming from e.g footsteps

-motion shot where the actor looks at something and the camera goes to what the person is looking at
-how the scenes have come together e.g showing how someone's days gone on

Camera angles e.g:
-180 degree rule
-Over the shoulder
-long shot
-close up
-extreme close up

These are examples of camera angles used. If it was a male and woman scene show the male would be made to look bigger then the woman as women are look down on by men as they're considered to be weaker then women.

This contains this such as:
-location (where it's set)
-costume of the actors

An example of this would be a male wearing a pink top, this would then challenge the stereotype of men as pink is associated to be a woman's colour.



Hero - has been able to accept what has happened to them and is now living well with their disability that they've got. An example of this is when the person is able to live day to day life just live everyone else can.

mentally - they have a mental disability witch effects their ability of them being able to do things that any other person would be able to do.

physically disabled would be something like loosing a leg or an arm.


How age can be made stereotypical:

Baby - young child:
-normally looked after by the mother
-dependent on adults to look after them
-not much focus on babies in tv dramas

-miss behave
-led by their older siblings or friends

-rebels from what their parents want them to do
-can't be trusted
-harm society
-cause of most trouble happening on the streets

young adults
-becoming their own person
-starting to live their life
-start their career
-starting a family
- considered as normal people to society - middle class upper class lower class

mature adult
-career may have changed
-family growing up
-social class could've changed

old age
-not trust worthy
-almost alien to society

Are you born Gay or Straight?

Are you born gay or straight?

There can be different ways to trigger someone who questions their sexuality, this can mainly be through society by someone telling you your gay or a lesbian. This can then cause a person to question their sexuality. Being gay today is more accepted to a few decades ago, almost everyone was against people have same sex relationships. As it states in the clip people are born gay, it wouldn't suddenly change the way people were with same sex relationships. They weren't spoken about as much as they're now spoken about and people are more open to having same sex relationships. From the clip it says that a person is born gay, but society can easily encourage the way they feel towards the same sex.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Notes for tv drama

Ethnicity analysis 
Ethnic groups 

Asian - Indian 
Asian - south east - Thai etc
Middle eastern 
Black - African, Caribbean
Eastern European 

Sexual used 

Hero/brave, overcoming adversity
Villain freak/abnormal/scary 
Ugly physically incapable and non sexual


Unfit - immature 

Region identity 

Northern and southenn

TV drama is creates through conflict

Normal from social groups
Able body
Middle class
This is traditionally stereotypically 

Modern media is YouTube
Equal as anyone can do it 

Framework of analysis -

 step 1 - significance 
Step 2. - relationships of power
Step 3 - how they are presented as opposites
Step 4 - reinforcing/challenging stereotypes
Step 5 - WHY

Timed essay dec 20 write for 45mims

For level 4 have to comment on the 4 areas 

Hustle clip OCR you tube tv drama gender 

Lesson notes Post Feminism

Post feminism 

Women is portrayed as being strong and a very masculine character 

Traditional definition or femininity and masculinity 

Femininity is where a women's is slim an cares what she looks like has women curves and obvious breasts and also hips bearing children 

Masculinity is where a man is the dominate one in the relationship is the main breadwinner 

This has changed as a women can have  more masculinity then there meant to be 

Post masculinity 
This is where males challenge the stereotype of men or how men should be can be quite weak 

Thursday 9 January 2014

Hustle exam question - Ellie

The hustle exam question

Four technical ares
-Camera shots, angles and movements

The first time I watcher the clip I commented on the camera shots etc. The sales assistant in the ship is shown as a more masculine character as he's shown at a low angle to make him have more power over the over the not so well dressed and presented woman shopping. This makes him more masculine as man tend to stereotypically have more power over women, but he does work in a ladies clothes shop which does challenge the stereotype of males. When he's speaking to the more well dressed and presented he lets her take charge as he knows what she wants and knows that she has the money to spend in the shop by the way she's dressed and we notice that she is married, as the camera starts at the womans hand showing that the woman is married and is fitting the a stereotype. When we first see her she is centre shot on screen and there is also a motion shot when the sales assistant looks at her. This shows thats she fits more of a female stereotype as she's drawn a males attention. When the sales assistant is looking for the woman's ring we have a high camera shot as it shows that he has less power over the woman in the shop. When the blond haired man walks in he's centre screen, while the sales assistant is still looking for the ladies ring, as there is an award for who ever finds the ring which made him more determined to find the ring. When there is a long shot of the blond haired man looking through the clothes standing up being more in control of the situation, while the sales assistant is on the floor looking for the ring still producing a divide between the two men showing that the blond male has more of an important job. The when the blond male gets the ring he's very shifty and takes control of getting it back to the owner. When he goes to walk out the shop the sales assistant is blurred making him less important, that is also a close up on his face.

The second time I watched the clip was commenting on the editing of the clip. If there was a more masculine character then they would get more screen time as this will portray them as being a more important person in the clip and the less camera time would portray a more feminism character as they're stereotyped as not being as important as males. When we first see the blond haired woman she's centre screen and the camera follows her to the clothes rail. She is viewed at a low camera angle to make her look higher up. Even when the sales assistant is talking to the other woman in the shop she is still in shot and is clearly shown. She's in control through most of the scene, but when she looses her ring she relies on the sales assistant who lowers to her level to help her find her ring.

The third time I watched the clip I commented on the sound that goes with the clip. As the blond haired woman walks in there is non-diegetic sound witch is very surfisticated which goes well when introducing a female character as woman are portrayed as being very light and elegant. The non-diegetic sound stops when the sales assistant says the price of the dress to the no so weathly woman. When the woman said she's looking for something nice he repeats it back to the woman as though to make a point almost as though he's making a point on the choice on language she has chosen to use. He belittles her my fitting a more masculin role and making her feel intimidated so she leaves the shop. The non-digetic comes back when the camera goes back to the blond woman and the way the sales assistant speaks to the blond haired woman changes as she's shown that she has money to spend in the shop. when the male comes in to the stops when the ring gets looses her ring making the scene more dramatic. 

The last time I watched the clip I commented on Mise-en-scene. The main location is a woman's clothes shop which is a more feminim place of work which would challenge the masculinity of a male is they worked in that kind of shop. The woman with the red coat is less feminim as she's not well presented. 
Where as the sales assistant is well presented which is more feminim. The blond woman shows her clivage and is also wearing a skirt and tries on a dress which is both black making her challenge a femimin way. The audience can tell she's a house wife as she's shopping during the day and she says that her husband will kill her about loosing her ring. When the scene changes to the men they are smoking and drinking they are dressed quite smart which shows that they have a high paid job. The lighting is brighter in the shop then the scene with the males. 

Casting the characters
Opposite of the females 
Close up of the females face who's dressed well
Props - key owns