Monday 11 November 2013

TV Drama Ellie

TV Drama:

What is the exam, what is it assessing and how?

The exam is 2 hours long, 1 hour for each question.
We will be show a 5 minute clip 4 times, we will have to read the question, watch the clip and make notes.
Each of the 4 times you will have to comment on different factors shown in the clip, such as, sound, editing, camera angles and miss-en-scene.
Assign yourself an actor to reflect the marks you hope to achieve when answering the questions.

How you will be assessed:
-Analysis the argument - 20 marks
-Use of examples from the clip - 20 marks
-Use of termiology - 10 marks

What is the concept relationship to reality? With example.
They take a photo of a woman and edit so there isn't any blemishes, spots or redness. They normally edit photos to make the person, which is normally a celebrity, in a magazines. This editing makes the model have stick thin legs, cheek bones and no curves, this can cause girls that look at the celebrities for inspiration to want to look like this so they may go to extremes and starve themselves so they can try and look like them.

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