Thursday 24 April 2014

Steps - Blow Up Record Lable

Step One

Blowup Record Company

Blowup records are a London based company.

The artists they have are:

-Alfa 9
-Baltic Fleet
-Fay Hallam & The
-The Weekenders
-Mockingbird, Wish Me

Step Two

These artists aren't well know as they haven't managed to make it big within the music industry.

The company would benefit from new media technology as the music is more widely available from things such as, iTunes and YouTube as there music will be similar to the music people are downloading and one these types of programs they have a section of related music making people listen to it and begin to like it and if they like in then their more likely to write reviews on the music and share with their friends through things such as, Facebook, Twitter and Email. On sites such as, YouTube and iTunes people are able to write reviews telling people what they like and dislike, making labels aware on artists that people like and dislike. Artists also will preform at gig, have live CDs and also non-live CDs.

This is all of the places where the artists can be heard on. This is one the bottom of the website.

Step Four
Part one -
Part Two -

Alfa 9:

The Weekenders:

Step Five 

Neither of these artists have any upcoming concerts. 

Blow Up record company is a London based company.

Step Six:

Production Research:
My artists within the record label they create their own albums, which they sell on place like iTunes etc. They do not have any support or publication from any major music channels. There CDs are avaliable in shops suhc as, HMV and also avaliable online from websites such as, Amazon.
Marketing Research:
Blow Up uses mainly online ways of promoting their music such as, YouTube, Spotyfier, iTumes as they will be similar to other music that is already out on the market, as there are always suggests when someone searches something on YouTube. When  they put a video on to websites, such as, YouTube the audience of the music can comment on what they think of the music and also what they want to hear, so when the artists come to produce more they can include what their audeince what to hear and get more positive feed back from the work which they create. 
Distribution and Exchange Research:
The main way that Blow Up get their music to their audience is through iTunes. This allows people to access their music online. Some people may also choose to download it from YouTube and not pay for their music, but they're not supporting their artists. Blow Up artists do support acts at concets, they may also be proforming at smaller gigs which are not as big as other events. 

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