Tuesday 13 May 2014

TV Drama Exam Question - Gender

http://youtu.be/SZ1Fv2unEho - link to the clip (shit clip)

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of Gender using the following:
Camera Angles

This clip is set in an open outside field/forest. This place is very bright which is more of a female thing then a masculine place. The male in this clip is holding a gun and will not allow the female to have a gun, this reenforces the stereotype of females.

The woman shows a little power when the male is sorting out her shoes as she's shown at a lower angle making her look more powerful this then challenges the stereotype of the females. There's an extreme close up of the male grabbing her ankle showing that he has control over her. Through out this clip the male is shown to be shown at a low angle through out this clip. The women is following the male through out this clip which shows that she's reenforcing the stereotype.

The males voice has more dominance as his voice is much louder then the woman's, the reenforces the stereotype of males. The woman tries and fights back, by doing this is shouts which then results in her challenging the stereotype of females, making her more masculine.

There is a shot reverse shot used when he male and female are arguing.

Monday 5 May 2014

Music Industry Mock Question

To what extent does digital distubution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media area you have studied?

Digital distubution has changed hugely in the past 15years down to the common use of downloads from the internet. These downloads aren't normally paid for as people use websites where they can get the albums or songs for free.

Major record lables such as, Sony and Syco, these are more about the money making. The lates example of this is One Direction as they're more about the image people alot of teenage girls will watch their views that go with their music and want to be their girlfriends. There will also be a number of One Direction made things such as, pencil cases and lunch boxes. Teenage girls will not have the money to buy the music so they will download it off of a website for free. The young teenage girls will go mad to see them live so therefore their parents will invest in tickets for their children to see them. The way One Direction was formed was through the XFactor which is owned by Sony. Only Sony songs are proformed by the contestends to get sales of the old song, resluting in Sony getting more money. This is a circle of Sony making money, a very clever way I have to say. 

 This has benefitted the indie lables as it's given them a relationship with their audience as they're able to write comments and like the videos which then shows what their audience likes so they can then produce the music which their audeicne wants to hear, this can result in them getting a wider audience. Using a website like YouTube really helps an indie artics as it allows them to connect with an audience which is global. Using a website like YouTube can allow the audience to like and comment, this the shows the atrist (produce) that the audience like music this type or this way, this then makes the artist more popular leading on to increasing their audience.

For people like Beck and allowing people to preform music the way that they want their music to sounds allows the audience to find their fav one and listen to it and comment what they think to encourage people to continue to produce music like they want, rather then whats going to get sales. The internet allows people to publish their work through YouTube, iTunes and Spotifier. This allows people to acces them through different devices such as, smartphones, laptops, computers and tablets. This allows a larger audience to listen to the music people produce.