Tuesday 13 May 2014

TV Drama Exam Question - Gender

http://youtu.be/SZ1Fv2unEho - link to the clip (shit clip)

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of Gender using the following:
Camera Angles

This clip is set in an open outside field/forest. This place is very bright which is more of a female thing then a masculine place. The male in this clip is holding a gun and will not allow the female to have a gun, this reenforces the stereotype of females.

The woman shows a little power when the male is sorting out her shoes as she's shown at a lower angle making her look more powerful this then challenges the stereotype of the females. There's an extreme close up of the male grabbing her ankle showing that he has control over her. Through out this clip the male is shown to be shown at a low angle through out this clip. The women is following the male through out this clip which shows that she's reenforcing the stereotype.

The males voice has more dominance as his voice is much louder then the woman's, the reenforces the stereotype of males. The woman tries and fights back, by doing this is shouts which then results in her challenging the stereotype of females, making her more masculine.

There is a shot reverse shot used when he male and female are arguing.

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