Monday 3 March 2014

Mock Essay Exam Question - Coming Round the Mountain

For this question I've looked at disability. The possible disability stereotypes which could come up are:

Ugly - nonsexual
victim - vulnerable

For this clip I think it's reenforcing the stereotype if a vulnerable disabled body.

Mise - En - Scene

The first time I watched the clip I commented on Mise-en-scene. When we first see the disabled brother we see him in his very childish, coloured bedroom section. This shows us that he's very child like and isn't able to mature. Where as we see the abled brother to have a much more mature room showing he's more abled then his not so abled brother. When we see the disabled brother trying to learn how to ride a bike we see him through a gun shot grid. This shows that he's vulnerable to society as he's disabled and needs help with everything he wants/needs to do making him dependant on people. This reenforces the stereotype of vulnerable disabled bodies. The abled brothers is dressed more mature showing he's able to go to school, go out by himself and do things by himself, we see the abled brothe in a normal class room with other children. He also has to help the not as abled brother get to his destination, as he's stereotyped in being vulnerable to society and wouldn't be accepted by society.


When we see the two brothers in the kitchen we see the abled brother at a low angle as he hasn't got any disabilities. This shows the brother to have more power over the disabled body as he's more able to do things and is independent on himself. The disabled brother is seen at a high angle as he's weak and vulnerable to society and has to be dependant on his family to be able to live an enjoyable life. This re-enforces the stereotype of disabled people as they're seen to not be as strong as a more abled body and will find it hard to live an enjoyable life if they haven't got anyone to look after and care for them.
The brother who is the more abled brother has more prominence as he's the more abled brother making the disabled brother have less prominence re-enforcing the stereotype of disabled people as they aren't showed as a very important or abled person.


When the brothers are in the kitchen there us a shot-revirce-shot showing a convocation between the two brothers during this convocation the more abled brother has more time during this convocation making the not as abled brother more weak and not as important. This re-enforces the stereotype of disabled people as they're seen as a more vulnerable human being. There is a scene where its in black and white, the disabled brother is seen as a gorilla which portrays him as not being human. This also shows that he can't act the way he wants to as he hasn't got the ability to do so. Showing the disabled brother as a monkey shows that he isn't classed as a human because of his disability. This re-enforces the stereotype of disabled people as they're not look on as being 100%"normal".


The music which goes with this video is very happy almost child like as it's something you would hear to a child's television program. The dialogue we hear through this clip from the more abled brother is very clear and the viewer/audience can easily make out what he's saying, whereas the disabled brother's speech can be made out, but sometimes tricky to understand. This re-enfources the stereotype as its showing that disabled people are hard to understand and that they can't commuincate as easily to "normal" people in society. 

1 comment:

  1. The first time I watched the clip I commented on Mise-en-scene - do not write this it is an essay, not a log or diary.

    I understand why you have separated out the 4 technical areas, however doing this results in a very limited essay response. Though you have given reasons linked to age for the point you make under camera, there is very little here when you think there is 5 minutes of camera sots, composition movement and angles. What about the scene with the tree? You need to expsnd on composition as well as shot types - a basic expectation is close up and long shots - where do we get them and why?

    Editing - you are THE ONLY STUDENT who made the juxtaposition between the B&W footage of the fish and dinosaurs and made the link to ugly or anormal disability - well done!

    There is some but limited commentary on sound - the voiceover is highly significant. Diegetic or Non - terminology to be picked up.

    To improve - develop your writing. 45 minutes should be enough for you to combine your analysis and go scene by scene. See the posts on the blog for how to lay this out and my exemplar for gender. You will benefit from this approach as it gives your more detail to write about rather than jumping around examples from the clip.

    AAE 14/20
    EX 14/20
    T 6/10

    34/50 C2
