Thursday 13 March 2014

Mock Essay - Hotel Babylon - Ethnicity


This clip is shown in a hotel where many of the ethical workers have the lower roles in the company, as there shows to be maids and workers. This re-enforces the stereotype of pitied as they're not given the chances in this clip to do anything more then the very little. The maids and chefs are shown in a dim light which shows them to be less important then the managers of the hotel. This re-enforces the stereotype of ethnicity as its showing the ethical characters to be pitied on by the audience as they're not considered to be as important as others shown in this clip. There is a range of ethic which forms conflict between them, re-enforcing the stereotype of ethnicity.  The small chef is holding a large kitchen knife, forming a very dangerous character, re-enforcing the stereotype of ethnicity. 

Camera Angles

The camera shows the two white mangers to be at a low angle showing them at a high angle making them more important. The small Italian man is shown at a high angle to make him seam small and weak, where as the white male is shown at a higher angle as he's a British male. This re-enforces the stereotype of ethnicity.


There's sharp edits between the characters shows that there is conflict between the different ethical groups. This re-enforces the stereotype between the different ethical backgrounds. The clip is very fast pasting showing that there's something wrong or dangerous about it. Re-enforcing the stereotype.


When the maids come into shot the music changed to a more suspicious sounding kind of music, when the women get into the room the music changed. This is showing the maids to be dangerous or the room there about to step in to be very dangerous. This re-enforces the stereotype of ethnicity. The sound of the hover is dietetic showing that they are here to hep and not cause any trouble. This shows pity for them, which then
 re-enforcers the stereotype. Most of the dialogue comes from the white characters in this clip shows that they don't want to speak in case they give away that there not meant to be there. This re-enforces the stereotype as it forms pity towards them.

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